Categoria: News

The Influential Muses – Barry X Ball, “Pietà”

The Influential Muses - Barry X Ball, "Pietà" Art historian Laura Mattioli, president of the CIMA-Center for Italian Modern Art in New York, presents for the Gallery in the "Stanze Italiane" a series of exclusive video lectures entitled "The Influential Muses" on twentieth and twenty-first century American artists who have had contacts with or made references to the Italian cultural world. The series


Dante in a Graphic Novel

Dante in a Graphic Novel George Cochrane, American artist and illustrator, has created a version of Dante's Comedy inspired by the iconography of Graphic Novels. Luigi Ballerini interviews him. The conversation also includes an overview of preparatory materials, drafts of the book and illustrations that allow us to delve into its cultural references. Find out more


The Tour of Italy

The Tour of Italy On the occasion of the Giro d’Italia, “Tour of Italy”, (May 8th - May 30th 2021), the “Italian rooms” will open a space throughout the duration of the competition, where related texts, videos, and stories will be shared. We will begin on Saturday, May 8th with a text on the relationship between Italy and the “Pink Jersey” event. This


Napoleon’s Piano

Napoleon's Piano Two hundred years after Napoleon's death, pianist Costantino Mastroprimiano - one of the most famous performers on period instruments - guides us through the laboratory of Ugo Casiglia, Maestro harpsichordist and restorer of keyboard instruments in Cinisi (PA). We will learn the secrets of early keyboards and listen to the timbral nuances of ancient instruments, which are impossible to recreate on


The Sound of the Emperor

The Sound of the Emperor Guest of the Library of the Italian Rooms is Pianist Costantino Mastroprimiano for the two hundredth anniversary of Napoleon's death. A concert with period music and instruments to discover the taste and sounds typical of the early 19th century. The program includes sublime but little-known pages by Giovanni Paisiello, Ludwig van Beethoven, Philipp Jakob Riotte. Find out more


Napoleon and Manzoni 5 May 1821 – 2021

Napoleon and Manzoni 5 May 1821 - 2021 Video interview by Fabio Finotti with Luca Badini Confalonieri, Professor of Italian Literature at the University of Turin and Manzonian scholar, on the occasion of the two hundredth anniversary of the writing of the ode "Cinque Maggio" by Alessandro Manzoni. Badini Confalonieri helps us discover themes and connections in Manzoni's ode that have been ingrained


May 1st: Labor and Workers’ Day

May 1st: Labor and Workers' Day Today is May 1st and in Italy we celebrate Labor and Workers' Day. Watch the video by director Fabio Finotti, IIC of New York, where he shares some reflections on the concepts of "otium" and "negotium", on the history of this anniversary between Italy and the United States and on the centrality of work in the Constitution


April 25th: Liberation Day

April 25th: Liberation Day «On April 25th, we celebrate a festivity that has a beautiful name: Liberation Day. Not the Day of Freedom but the Day of Liberation. What's the difference? They are two beautiful but different concepts. Freedom is a fact, a reality in which we live and which may have been given to us by others. Liberation, on the other hand,


In Memory of Milva

In Memory of Milva We celebrate one of the divas of the Italian theater and music, who was famous worldwide for her charisma and interpretative strength, from Sanremo to Strehler, from Alda Merlini to Battiato and Astor Piazzolla. In the Stoà, you will find a commemoration by Fabio Finotti of "her enormous talent, not only musical but also as an actress and histrionic


Migrant Music

Migrant Music An exclusive video interview with Luca D'Ambrosio, blogger and music expert, with the participation of Umberto Marin of the Association "Time for Africa" in Udine. A dialogue on music as a form of cultural mediation. Migrant musicians (such as griot Kora Hero) perform pieces from the repertoire of their own cultural traditions and new compositions. Find out more

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